Ramadan Quiz 2025

Important Details at a Glance

Generic Rules

Participation and Eligibility

Who can participate in this quiz?

Anyone living in North America is eligible for the mentioned prizes. Others may participate, but prizes are not guaranteed.

You can also join our WhatsApp group to receive Daily videos, sample questions, and timely alerts/notifications on question release and submission deadlines.


Quiz language

What is the language of the quiz?

The quiz will be in English and Malayalam. You can type some answers in Arabic. Transliteration of Arabic words is also acceptable.

The exam will be open-book (reference materials can be used). 

Quiz Topic & Format

What will the quiz be about?

The quiz is based on Surah Al-Jathiya (Surah #45).

How do I participate in the Quiz?

The quiz will be in Google Forms. You will have to furnish your contact details and then proceed to answer the questions. A Google form link will be shared later. 

When will the Quiz be?

Velicham Ramadan Quiz 2025 will be conducted On March 23, 2025 at 12PM - 6PM EST | 11AM - 5PM CST | 10AM - 4PM MST | 9AM -3PM PST. In Sha Allah.

When will the result be announced?

The result will be announced on Eid Day

What will happen if two or more persons get the same score?

Whoever submits the answers first will be given preference. 

Reference Materials

Do you recommend any translation or software?

https://tanzil.net/#45:1 contains translations in different languages and by different persons.

https://www.quran.com/45 and https://quranhive.com/surah/45 are other useful websites.

For detailed tafseer, refer:


I don’t have time to read, is there audio available?

https://tanzil.net/#45:1 has an option to play the audio of the translation. You can select your favorite Qari as well as the translation you want to listen to. For this, click on the tools icon near the recitation selector on the left.

https://quranicaudio.com also has a collection of recitations with translations. There is no option to play verse by verse..

and Thafheemul Quran also has an audio menu, you can listen to the explanation in Malayalam.

Contact Details 

If I have more doubts, whom do I contact?

You can contact the organizers at info@velichamna.org or Whatsapp to +1-848-391-2858